Arabuko Sokoke National Reserve

Arabuko Sokoke National Reserve is located on the Kenyan coast, near Mombasa. The reserve was officially gazetted to a national park in the 1980s and contains three strong forest types; Mixed forest, Brachystegia, and Cynometra which protect different species of plants and animals. Arabuko Sokoke National Reserve is the largest segmented coastal forest in East Africa, covering about 420 square kilometres and is a truly endowed destination for endemic species that provide great opportunities for viewing while on a forest and nature walk.

Arabuko Sokoke National Reserve

Arabuko Sokoke National Park Kenya
Arabuko Sokoke National Park Kenya

Arabuko Sokoke National Reserve is heavily covered by vegetation-thick trees and lots of undergrowth. Spreading all over the park, this forested area has played a great role in habituating these animals, insects, butterflies, and birds. Arabuko Sokoke National Reserve is also known as a great Amphibian destination in East Africa.

Arabuko Sokoke National Reserve can be accessed from Malindi or Mombasa by road using private or public means of transport. A 4WD works best in this area because they can adapt movement in any part of the park. 

By air, Arabuko Sokoke National Reserve can be reached through Mombasa airport. From here, you can take a short drive to the coast or a local flight to Malindi, then drive for about 20km to the forest reserve. Once here, you can access the park using a bus or bicycle.

Attractions in Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve

Wildlife in Arabuko Sokoke National Reserve:

Visit Gedi town:

Wildlife here is so plentiful and diverse as the park has 20% of Kenya’s bird species, 30% of butterflies, 40 mammal species, and 49 reptile species, 25 amphibian species, and over 600 plant species. Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve has been listed in more than 25 biodiversity hot spots in the world.

Arabuko Sokoke National Park Kenya
Arabuko Sokoke National Park Kenya

Established in the 13th century, Gedi is a historical town at the coast, consisting of a lot of African architecture. Currently, there is no accommodation inside Arabuko Sokoke National Reserve but there are various lodges in the surrounding areas. Some of the nearby accommodation units are Hemingway Resort and Turtle Bay Beach Club.

Bird watching:

With over 200 bird species that can be spotted migrating from one forest area to another, Arabuko Sokoke National Reserve is a birder’s paradise, with unique bird species such as the Amani Sunbird, Fischer Turaco, Sokoke Pipit, Hawk-eagle, African crowned-eagle, Sokoke Scops Owl, East Coast Akalat, Scary Babbler, Plain-backed Sunbird among other endangered species.

Game drive:

Visitors to Arabuko Sokoke National Reserve can drive through the forest areas and be able to view wildlife species like the African forest buffaloes, bushbucks, leopards, yellow baboons, bush babies, bushy-tailed mongoose, African civet, Sykes monkey, and Blotched Genet to mention a few.

Butterfly watching:

Part of Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve is a forest that gives shelter to the numerous butterfly species that will definitely call for great attention from ardent and enthusiastic butterfly watchers, scientists, and other visitors. The reserve is a haven for all the interests of tourists. Let the best safari planners in the region. Contact Nextgen Safaris LTD and our team will tailor the safari to suit your interests. 

Other activities here include:

  • Cycling
  • Nature walks through the forest tracks.

Visitors are advised to carry along closed shoes, sunglasses, binoculars, and all other items of personal use because of the heat and hot weather. Tickets are wholly available and the park can be visited throughout the year while on Kenya Safaris. Most of the activities geared towards seeing wildlife are highly recommended to be conducted very early in the morning when the animals are looking for food before going back to their hideouts to escape the heat. Wildlife viewing can also be done late in the evening when the animals have come out of their hideouts and moving out in search of food and water.

Do not hesitate to contact us via email at and we shall be so happy to organize your lifetime safari.



On this Arabuko Sokoke National Reserve, all visitors to Kenya must have a valid passport with at least 4 consecutive blanks pages.  Any applicable visa and/or relevant documentation are the responsibility of the traveler.  For further information on Visa requirements visitors are advised to contact their nearest Kenya Embassy or Consulate.




GMT +3


220 Volts/AC50Hz. Sockets are UK style, 3 pin square plugs. Power is from the UMEME in the city/major towns and generator with inverter back up in the Safari Lodges and Camps.


Foreign currency must be changed at the Bank, Bureau de Change, and Hotel/Safari lodge/Camp/Resort.   Major Credit Cards, Master card, Visa, American Express, are usually accepted throughout the country.  Where credit cards are accepted, the payment will normally be recorded in US$ regardless of the card’s default currency.


Dress is mainly informal and should be comfortable as well as practical. Something warm should be brought along for early morning and evenings. Safari clothes are available from hotels/lodges/camps.


Where possible, travel light. Baggage space on safari is limited to medium suitcase or soft bag per person plus reasonable amount of hand luggage. There is 15 Kilogram per person limit on all flights to the wildlife sanctuaries. Excess luggage must be stored in your arrival hotel.


You will find many different of opinion of what is safe and what is not. We recommend for peace of mind, to drink local Bottled Mineral water. It is important to drink plenty of water especially during the hotter months. We would recommend that guests drink at least 2 to 3 liters of water per day to limit the effects of dehydration. 


East Africa is a safe and secure destination; however, it is a good idea to take a few precautions.  Kindly consult your GP or local doctor at least 6 weeks before you travel, with regards:

Malaria prophylactics. East Africa is a known malaria area and preventive measures are essential. You are advised to take one of the recommended anti-malarial drugs.  Be sure to wear long sleeved shorts and trousers after sunset and spray the exposed parts of your body with a mosquito repellent spray

Remember to protect yourself from direct sun rays with sunscreen cream or safari hat.


For those guests with specific dietary requirement, please ensure we are notified prior to travel


As a guideline and dependent on how happy you are, we would suggest the following:

The General Hotel/Lodge/Camp Staff – Approximately U$ 10.00 per person per day

Driver Guides – Approximately US$ 15.00 to US$ 20.00 per person per day


Please be careful when photographing public buildings, airports, bridges, the national flag and people in uniform.  Ensure that you have sought permission before photographing local people and their villages.  If in doubt, please check with your guide.

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